And so it begins again. Andy is just home from a Chickadee prep visit in Florida, and I have finally turned my attention to the matters of packing at hand. While he’s been chipping away at the boat work list (reassembling the rig after a mast paint job this summer, new wiring down below, a new stem fitting on the bow, and the dozens of other odds and ends that find their way to necessity), I have begun the less dramatic part of cruise planning. Kids are doctored, dentisted, pets have their winter homes secured, packing lists are beginning, school planning is… hmm. Not so much in the works, but that’s next.
The countdown to the trip (we head out mid-January) is certainly sped up by the onslaught of the holidays, which is good and bad. We are oh-so-anxious to get to the boat, but still far from prepared. I have school programs to plan, meds to gather, storage organization to organize! And yet there are presents to wrap. Dang.